Every foreigner staying on the Czech territory is liable for health insurance. Whether you can get medical care depends on the type of health insurance you have taken out and your residence type.

According to the law, foreigners who have been granted permanent residence or asylum, as well as foreigners in employment relationship, get public health insurance, thus guaranteeing that they get same access to medical care as Czech citizens do.

Other foreigners during their period of stay on the Czech territory must have a contract for commercial health insurance. The scope of care a foreigner is entitled to is defined by the terms agreed upon with the health insurance company. Healthcare which is not included in the insurance, is to be paid for directly at the medical facility one has chosen.

Below is the list of medical facilities accessible to Prague 17 City District citizens.

Motol University Hospital Medical First Aid Service

V Úvalu 84, Prague 5
phone for adults: 224 438 590-1
Mo-Fri        19.00 – 06.00
Sat-Sun       24 hrs
Phone for children: 224 433 654
Mo-Fri        19.00 – 06.00
Sat-Sun       24 hrs

The List of Doctors and Medical Facilities on the Prague 17 - Řepy City District Territory

Additional information

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Dr. Max Praha

Makovského 1349/2a     235 300 102
Monday – Friday            8:00 – 19:00

Řepy Pharmacy

Žufanova 1114        223 025 007
Monday –Saturday         7.30 - 18.00

Makovského Pharmacy

Makovského 1223    235 301 488
Monday – Friday            7:30 – 18:30
Saturday                        8:00 – 13:00


Dr. Max - Metropole Zličín

Řevnická 121/1, Prague 5 – Zličín   257 951 294
Monday – Sunday          9:00 – 21:00

Benu – Glóbus Shopping Centre

Sarská 133/5, Prague 5 – Zličín      731 638 022
Monday – Sunday          9:00 – 21:00

Motol University Hospital institutional pharmacy

V Úvalu 84, Prague 5 – Motol        224 435 714
Monday - Sunday           NONSTOP